Commitments of Traders (COT) report
4 mars 2022
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20 mars 2022

Ressources web sur les matières premières

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Below are some interesting resources for your commodity analyses.


Commodity Costs and Returns estimates are reported for the United States and major production regions for corn, soybeans, wheat, cotton, grain sorghum, rice, peanuts, oats, barley, milk, hogs, and cow-calf. The series of commodity cost and return estimates for the U.S. and regions is divided into two categories: Recent and Historical estimates. Recent estimates date back to the point of the most recent major revision in accounting methods, account format, and regional definitions for each commodity. Historical estimates date back to when the series began. Cost of Production Forecasts are also available for major U.S. field crops.

The International Grains Council (IGC) is an intergovernmental organisation and publishes monthly world data on grain demand, supply and stocks with graphs and commentary.

USDA's Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) provides timely reports on foreign markets through the Global Agriculture Information Network (GAIN) database. An average of 2,000 reports are added each year, with reports going back to 1995.

AGWeb is a site that publishes news about grains, meats and softs.


The Pig Site. A site for information and news on pig breeding at an international level, with a focus on the United States.

Cattle Range. Site with analysis, news and data on cattle raised in the US with a look at what's happening around the world.


International Cocoa Organization (ICCO). Site with news and statistics on cocoa production and consumption.

International Coffee Organization (ICO) - Statistics. Section of the site with statistics on coffee production, consumption, import and export.

Vanderbilt Institute for Coffee Studies (ICS). Coffee studies and research.

Coffee Reseach. Educational site on coffee production.

Unica. Website with news and other useful resources on sugar and ethanol production in Brazil.

The Sugar Association. Website with articles on sugar production and characteristics.

Precious Metals

World Gold Council - Global Gold Demand. Quarterly gold demand reports, periodic analyses and studies.

World Gold Council - Gold Supply. Quarterly gold supply reports, periodic analyses and studies.

World Gold Council - Gold Supply and Demand Statistics. A comprehensive time series of gold demand, broken down by sector and country, and gold supply, broken down by mine production, recycling and producer hedging.

World Gold Council - Gold Market Commentary. A monthly commentary that captures motives behind gold demand; most poignantly, investment demand, which is considered the marginal driver of gold price.

Silver Institute - Silver Supply and Demand. This annual survey also includes current information on prices and leasing rates, mine production, silver trade, above ground stocks, and investment.

Silver Institute - Publications. Numerous analyses and periodic studies on silver.

World Platinum Investment - Platinum Quarterly. Published quarterly, it reports supply and demand data on platinum.

World Platinum Investment - Investment Research. Periodic analyses and studies on platinum, and comparative studies on the price of platinum.

Johnson Matthey - PGM Market Report. Biannual report released in May and November with supply and demand data and estimates for the coming year for platinum, palladium and rhodium.

IPA - PGM Facts. Publications on the characteristics and properties of the six precious metals in the platinum group.

LBMA - The London Bullion Market. Information and resources from the London physical gold market.

LPPM - London Platinum & Palladium Market. Information and resources from the London physical platinum and palladium markets.

CME Group - NYMEX Delivery Notices & Stocks. Section of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME) website with stocks for delivery of precious and industrial metals.

Industrial Metals

International Copper Study Group - Statistics. Statistics and estimates of future copper supply and demand.

Copper Development Association - Market Data. Publication of copper supply and demand data, as well as analyses and studies.

The International Wrought Copper Council (IWCC) - Statistics and Data Series. Copper supply and demand statistics.

CME Group - NYMEX Delivery Notices & Stocks. Section of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME) website with stocks for delivery of precious and industrial metals.

International Aluminium Institute - Statistics. Aluminium production statistics.

Nickel Institute - Nickel Magazine. Information and characteristics of nickel and its use in various industries.

International Nickel Study Group - Publications. Periodical publications and nickel studies.

International Zinc Association - Publications. Periodical publications and zinc studies.

International Lead and Zinc Study Group - Statistics. Statistics on zinc production and consumption.

International Lead and Zinc Study Group - Publications. Regular publications on zinc production and use.


BP - Statistical Review of World Energy. Published annually, it reports statistics on reserves, production and world consumption of energy sources.

EIA - What drives crude oil prices? Interesting interactive section with graphs and statistics on the main variables that can affect the price of crude oil.

EIA - Energy Explained. Educational section to understand the main aspects of energy sources.

EIA - Energy KIDS. Simplified educational section to learn how oil production and refining takes place; there are also sections for other energy sources.


The Weather Channel provides a national and local weather forecast for cities, as well as weather radar, report and hurricane coverage.

The U.S. Drought Monitor is a map released every Thursday, showing parts of the U.S. that are in a drought.

David Carli
David Carli
David Carli est un analyste financier avec plus de 29 ans d'expérience (deux ans en tant que gestionnaire de fonds) en devises et en matières premières. Il collabore avec une importante société européenne d'investissement dans les matières premières et est l'auteur de plusieurs livres à succès sur le trading et les marchés financiers.

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