Commodity Spread Trading - Take Advantage of the Seasonality

Do you want to learn how to trade commodities with low risks?

Everyone has seen the movie “Trading Places,” at least once in their life; after all, it is a must during the Christmas holidays. The trade on pork bellies at the beginning; the orange juice report, with which the two starring actors, Dan Aykroyd and Eddie Murphy, take revenge on the Duke cousins… priceless!

Wheat, coffee, orange juice… not only can you use them to prepare a delicious breakfast, but you can also trade them for a profit. Trading with commodities is the most fascinating and intriguing way to trade, as it includes a characteristic uncommon to any other market: seasonality, correlations, and many other aspects which offer unique advantages.

Spread trading is the best way to trade commodities and provides an excellent opportunity to diversify your portfolio, reducing the risks. Balancing, covering and protecting the portfolio have to be the trader’s first goal.

Take Advantage of the Seasonality” is the first volume of the series “Commodity Spread Trading.” This eBook is a real and complete course on commodities and spread trading. You will learn aspects that you will not find in any other eBook or course, and they come from over 25 years of experience in financial markets, even as a fund manager for a small Italian investment bank.

What you will learn by reading "Commodity Spread Trading - Take Advantage of the Seasonality":

  • what spread trading is (the best way to trade commodity futures);
  • how to use the main statistical software for your analyses (Moore Research, SeasonAlgo, SpreadCharts);
  • the fundamental analysis;
  • the most important reports, and how to read them;
  • the term structure to understand if you are facing an anomaly or a normal market movement;
  • how to use contango and backwardation to your advantage;
  • why you have to pay attention to the starting date of a seasonality;
  • multi-leg spreads;
  • why you have to take into account the First Notice Day (FND) and the Last Trading Day (LTD);
  • how to exploit manipulation;
  • the Crop Year;
  • the subjective probability, for selecting the entries and exits;
  • the Value-at-Risk, to set the stop-loss;
  • Insights into Intermarket spreads and;
  • other important aspects.

If you are a beginner and want to learn how to trade commodities, or if you are a trader who wants to diversify your investments, "Commodity Spread Trading - Take Advantage of the Seasonality" offers you the opportunity to achieve a comprehensive knowledge of commodities and spread trading.

   Read the first 4 chapters for free!

Book details
Edition: September 2022 - Definitive edition
Language: English
Editor: Caroline Winter (
Format: Paperback (in b/w and colour)
ASIN: B0BF31GP4L (black and white), B0BGN8YDMY (colour)
ISBN: 979-8353333920 (black and white), 979-8355760908 (colour)
Pages: 205
Price: $ 27.00 (Paperback in b/w), $ 68.00 (Paperback in colour)
Where to buy (Paperback in b/w):

Where to buy (Paperback in colour):