Informes de Materias Primas
25 noviembre 2021
Reunión del Swiss National Bank el 16 de diciembre de 2021
16 diciembre 2021

Informes semanales

Traducción al español en breve

Below is a list of the most important weekly reports and relevant links to help you make your trading decisions.


Issued weekly during the growing season (April to November), the Crop Progress lists planting, fruiting, and harvesting progress and the overall condition of selected crops in major producing states. During the months of December through March, the report is issued monthly titled State Stories.


Weekly Petroleum Status Report provides timely information on supply and selected prices of crude oil and principal petroleum products. It provides the industry, press, planners, policymakers, consumers, analysts, and State and local governments with a ready, reliable source of current information.

This week in Petroleum provides insights into the energy market, as well as data on oil and other liquids.

Natural Gas Weekly Update reports news, production data and stocks of natural gas in the United States.


The Weekly Weather and Crop Bulletin is released by 4:00 p.m. on the second workday of each week. The Bulletin includes the National Summary, State Stories, current data for weather, temperature and precipitation and international agricultural weather. The full report is jointly published by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration of the U.S. Department of Commerce, the National Agricultural Statistics Service, and the World Agricultural Outlook Board.

If you are a commodity trader, you can read more reports on the Commodity reports page and the calendar of the main commodity reports for this year on the page Commodity reports calendar.

David Carli
David Carli
David Carli es un analista financiero con más de 29 años de experiencia (dos años como gestor de fondos) en divisas y materias primas. Colabora con una importante sociedad europea de inversión en materias primas. Es autor de varios libros de éxito sobre trading y mercados financieros.

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